Epic journey to the United Colonies of New England

Ok, so this week we have embarked on an epic journey. Well, epic in that it includes three objectives. 1) Allowing me to perform my duties as a groomsman in my good friend Joel’s wedding in Manchester, Ct., 2) allowing Jessica and I two days of peace in the woods camping, reconnecting, getting focused for the coming months, 3) visiting some of our supporters in Gloucester, Mass., and making them a Cambodian meal.

As you can imagine, packing for all those objectives was a job in itself. But we got packed, met up with another of my buddies, Mike and his wife, Lucinda and month-old baby, Abraham, and headed to Lancaster, Pa., where my parents put us up for a night. Then we headed north and got here to Manchester last night.

When we crossed the line into Connecticut, the entire population of the state turned out and formed a warm friendly traffic jam just to welcome us. That made it possible for us to squeeze our five-hour trip into just shy of eight hours. What with that and the pouring rain and poor visibility the whole way, a great time was had by all.

Anyhow, we’re here, my tux fits and we’re just now getting ready to head to the rehearsal. It’s been great to get to hang out with friends I’ve known since college. Mike, Joel and I have been hanging out for a while and it’s cool to each be arriving at new chapters of life together, Joel and Meridith getting married, Mike and Lucinda having a son and Jessica and I headed to live in Cambodia.

Stay tuned for photos and more updates from the road.


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1 Response to Epic journey to the United Colonies of New England

  1. jessica says:

    well, you did a great job. and no one noticed the fork flying, so no worries. 🙂 hehe

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